R. Picard
Human-Centric Dialog Training via Offline Reinforcement Learning
Approximating Interactive Human Evaluation with Self-Play for Open-Domain Dialog Systems
Automatic Triage and Analysis of Online Suicide Risk with Document Embeddings and Latent Dirichlet Allocation
Hierarchical Reinforcement Learning for Open-Domain Dialog
Learning via Social Awareness: Improving a Deep Generative Sketching Model with Facial Feedback
Vomit Comet Physiology: Autonomic Changes in Novice Flyers
Importance of Sleep Data in Predicting Next-Day Stress, Happiness, and Health in College Students
Multimodal Autoencoder: A Deep Learning Approach to Filling in Missing Sensor Data and Enabling Better Mood Prediction
Personalized Multitask Learning for Predicting Tomorrow's Mood, Stress, and Health
Predicting Tomorrow’s Mood, Health, and Stress Level using Personalized Multitask Learning and Domain Adaptation
BITxBIT: Encouraging Behavior Change with N=2 Experiments
Machine Learning of Sleep and Wake Behaviors to Classify Self-Reported Evening Mood
Active learning for Electrodermal Activity classification
Automatic identification of artifacts in Electrodermal Activity data
Multi-task Multi-Kernel Learning for Estimating Individual Wellbeing
Predicting students' happiness from physiology, phone, mobility, and behavioral data
Prediction of happy-sad mood from daily behaviors and previous sleep history
Recognizing academic performance, sleep quality, stress level, and mental health using personality traits, wearable sensors and mobile phones
SmileTracker: Automatically and Unobtrusively Recording Smiles and their Context.